Monday, May 29, 2017

Now PS and Xbox game Pass Impact on console sales

Now PS and Xbox game Pass Impact on console sales

An analyst who will soon access video games will be more important for fans who own the fact.

Now PS and Xbox game Pass Impact on console sales

The UK-based MCVUK game web has an interesting opinion column by Severin Karol, a mobile search analyst and video game content, in which he talks about the Xbox game pass which plans to officially launch Microsoft on June 1 and the PS now of the PlayStation brand.

"This initiative is another step in the game industry for the economy of access to the economy of the property. Subscription models end up being the center of the digital consumer, "Severin said. "Both the Microsoft Xbox game strategy goes like Sony PlayStation now have advantages and disadvantages but the ability to download Xbox game game products can be a significant differentiating factor of Xbox One is the console through which end up leaning ".

"Both companies have an interest in how they evolve their subscription services. Access above the will become a standard for fans, who will claim as something habitual. Thus, the respective proposals of the other play an important role in the differentiation of products and, ultimately, will have a significant impact on the sales of consoles.

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