Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sea of ​​thieves also have testings on PC

Sea of ​​thieves also have testings on PC

This same weekend will be a technical alpha for only 1000 players.

Sea of ​​thieves also have testings on PC

In recent times, we talked about the alphas for Sea of ​​Thieves that drove the Xbox One title fans in key testings. Now it is the support ride, where users also burn with the desire to try the new Rare.

As in the Microsoft test phase console, PC also needs an invitation, and the study has already started sending e-mails that facilitate access to the 1000 players who will have the fortune to Prove the title this weekend. Is the particularity? It will try to get the computers these people are as different as possible.

As explained the title creators, they will gradually increase the number that will submit invitations for successive test phases.

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