Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Capcom prepares "some surprises" for the anniversary of Street Fighter

Capcom prepares

The franchise celebrates its 30th anniversary. The first to commemorate it was Ultra Street Fighter 2.

Capcom prepares

Yoshinori Ono spoke to IGN about Street Fighter's birthday. The franchise is 30 years old in 2017, and beyond the first of Ultra Street Fighter II Nintendo Switch and Marvel VS . Capcom Infinite PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC Next Seems There's Still Time for Surprises And unexpected versions.

"After the premiere of Marvel vs Capcom Infinie next September deduced the six-month celebration of 30-year-old Street Fighter, so I can say we still have a few surprises for these six months. He did not give clues about the evolutions, but news is a cause of celebration for fans of the genre and the franchise.

Ono also spoke about the Mortal Kombat campaign in 2011 and inspiring was for the Capcom team: "As I have seen, I knew we should imitate and integrate it into our games. The story mode has become important for Street Fighter ". Do not hesitate to consult our progress Marvel VS. Capcom infinite at the E3 2017.

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