Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Coco will be in Crash Bandicoot Trilogy N. Sane as a playable character

Coco will be in Crash Bandicoot Trilogy N. Sane as a playable character

The game opens in PS4 June 30th.

Coco will be in Crash Bandicoot Trilogy N. Sane as a playable character

Activision announced in a press release inclusion as a playable character Coco Crash Bandicoot: the N. Sane Trilogy brand this June 30 to PS4. "We are thrilled to see the players taking advantage of Coco in the three tracks of the compilation," says Jennifer Oneal, head of Vicarious Visions. "Coco is not only Crash's younger sister, but he is a force to be reckoned with. Our vision was to create a modern Coco, and are convinced that their fans will really enjoy playing like it, "he adds.

"In the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy remastered, Coco hacked Twister's time to travel back in time and help crash in previous adventures. Coco is now a playable character (and a bit cheeky) in the three games, which fans can choose to play with her or her brother. The two characters have a series of special attacks each with its own style! Crash beats his enemies, and Coco leaves them offside! The players love to watch all your movements and animations, including the dance crash, "added in a press release.

Thus, the presence of Coco in the game was the surprise announcement had promised the American company for this E3 2017.

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