Monday, June 12, 2017

Konami Hideo Kojima boycotting Nikkei newspaper

Konami Hideo Kojima boycotting Nikkei newspaper

The Japanese say that Creative Survival Metal Gear has "nothing to do with the saga" would be one of the reasons.

Hideo Kojima

Hideo Kojima

Particular between case Konami and Kojima Hideo is not only. As reported by the prestigious Japanese newspaper Nikkei, a Japanese company would not have made the grace that Metal Gear's father, during the last Tokyo Game Show, claimed that Metal Gear Surviving did not "nothing to do with the saga" As root he would have sent a letter to the creation by formally asking him to stop commenting on Konami's work "unfairly tainting his reputation. "

The dispute, according to information Nikkei not there, because Konami owed Hideo Kojima a financial compensation for his dismissal, which the Japanese publisher categorically refutes, while the Kojima Productions team simply stated they did not " To comment "on this particular issue. So the question remains in the air.

Finally, Konami is also acting as lobby pressure to keep the new team from Hideo Kojima part of professional associations such as Kanto IT Software Association Medicare, which is the largest in Japan , With more than 7,000 member companies.

For this point have reached this tense situation, even Konami would be recommended to its former employees not to mention its past within the company; Warning would have extended to other studios and even television networks to avoid addressing the issue.

In the next few days, we will hear from Metal Gear Survive Konami's survival action game that will be present at the E3 2017 in Los Angeles.

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