Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Sony justifies the lack of Indies at the E3 conference "are less relevant now"

Sony justifies the lack of Indies at the E3 conference

He ensures that his absence does not mean "less important" or "do not worry us. "

Sony justifies the lack of Indies at the E3 conference

Jim Ryan, sales and marketing Honcho of the worldwide division of Sony Interactive Entertainment, played in an interesting interview with GamesIndustry in which he did not hesitate to offer His personal business conference vision in the past E3 2017. Without chewing his words, as he showed a few days ago when talking about backwards compatibility and PlayStation, would justify the absence of independent games during the conference. Ryan was very opposed to clips that set several independent video games in the same space. He explained that "one of the things we realized is that typical videos with a collection of ten indies games shown in a minute are often insignificant. Nobody can get something so fast. One can almost say that it is a waste of time ".

It is materialized on the independent developments that "there was a time and place in the initial phase of the PlayStation 4, making a statement of intent. He was more focused on how serious we were with the indies statement and we were doing things and others with them. Sky and many others the No Man, who broke out and found their own niche, "he said. "Now, as you know, we have tons of independent games on our platform, and the failure to choose the independence of being on stage last week like Gran Turismo or PlayLink does not mean it is Not important, they are not there or not to worry about. It was something good to talk about in 2013 or 2014, is less relevant now ".

The businessman believes that the company now has new fronts in its entertainment division: "We have virtual reality to talk now, for example. The launch of independent games has not slowed down over the past few months on Sony's platforms.

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