Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Spider-Man will not reach 60FPS in PS4 Pro

Spider-Man will not reach 60FPS in PS4 Pro

Insomniac Games does not include a graphics option in Pro 4K and beyond 30fps.

Spider-Man will not reach 60FPS in PS4 Pro

Spider-Man is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated and desired PlayStation 4 games of the moment. However, it seems that Spider-Man will not exceed 30fps in its quest for consoles Sony. When asked on Twitter to its creators for this possibility, Insomniac Games said that the ability to reduce the resolution of 4K 1080p PlayStation 4 Pro to reach a rate Refresh 60fps is unlikely: "no, this is not an option that we will optimize the best possible experience on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro."

Enjoy the game itself scaled 4K in the latest Japanese national brand platform, but the rate of frames per second will be at 30fps anyway. In another set of tweets, the developer confirmed that hoping to show new details about the combat system or first person view of the game at future events, so it seems clear that Insomniac still Details details on his highly anticipated video game. Our colleague Alejandro Pascual could see in the past E3 2017. Do not miss your impressions.

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