Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Steep be expanded with expansion on the basis of the Winter Olympics

Steep be expanded with expansion on the basis of the Winter Olympics

The Olympic Games Pyeong Chang Travel in 2018: Follow the way to the gold medal.

Steep be expanded with expansion on the basis of the Winter Olympics

Road to Olympics was one of the leading Ubisoft ads in your press conference before E3 2017. It is an extension of Steep in which players can compete for an Olympic medal. Taking advantage of the first, the publisher of the show also confirmed the arrival of new snow sports.

The release could no longer be winter: will hit digital stores The following 5 December a PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One new sports are Big Air, Super G, Giant Slalom, Halfpipe, Slopestyle . And downhill races that allow users to fly over white snow. Olympic really an update.

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