Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Elder Scrolls VI "is not yet in development"

The Elder Scrolls VI

The company focuses on "two major multi-platform versions. "

The Elder Scrolls VI

Monday, there were many who, despite the complexity of the matter, waiting to want a first step Elder Scroll VI at the Bethesda conference held At dawn and where they presented new versions of other sagas. Not, and the reason is clear: the game is not yet under development.

"I've been trying to control the expectations of the public, but [Bethesda] is working on big projects," says Pete Hines, marketing director of the American company. "In difficult work, much remains to be done. Once these two works are at an advanced stage of development, we will talk about it and go to TES VI, "he added. "Not in development," he concludes categorically define the other two proposals as "large cross-platform versions. "

Not the first time the company showed up in this regard, a few months ago that left some claimed not to be "a vending machine games. "

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